Our manufacturing process is characterized by excellence, innovation and commitment to sustainability. We use cutting-edge technologies and highly efficient methods to ensure the highest quality of our products, while reducing environmental impact.


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Produced alloys and their use
Trafilerie Carlo Gnutti can provide a significant variety of copper-zinc alloys for mechanical processing, hot forging, and cold deformation, ranging from binary alloys (CW5xxL) to standard alloys (CW6xxN) and complex alloys (CW7xxR).
Packaging codes
Legislative Decree no. 116 of 2020, in force since September 26, 2020, amends Legislative Decree 152/2006, implementing European directives on waste (EU 2018/851) and on packaging waste and packaging (EU 2018/852).


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CW614N/CW617N | 13.01.25 7.080 (EUR/ton)
CW724R-Ecosi | 13.01.25 9.460 (EUR/ton)
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